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That crummy feeling when..."
June 14, 2023

June 2023 Issue 207

What to do when anxiety strikes

Is it just me, or have you noticed it too? You're bopping along, doing your daily thing, when this crummy feeling comes over you that something bad is going to happen.

Maybe it's just conditions today. After all, TV news programs slant every story as "the worst thing ever" or some such hype. People are on edge like never before. Even my dog is whining for no reason.

Fear and worry are focused, psychologists tell us. They're centered on a specific threat. Anxiety, on the other hand, is a vague sense of dread. It comes out of nowhere, without warning.

This month's feature article offers some tips when anxiety strikes.

It's Your love

What can I count on
in the world today,
where lies have become
the acceptable way?

Who can I turn to
when I'm trying to cope?
Where is the one place
I can anchor my hope?

It's Your love.

From Your Spirit within me
to Your help from above,
it's the star that I sail by,
on this turbulent sea.
Its trustworthy presence
brings comfort to me.

It's Your love.

Before I knew You
I was selfish and lost,
until I fell down
at the foot of the cross.

You pardoned my sins
and set me apart.
You saved my poor soul
then You healed my heart.

It's Your love.

It's mighty in power
yet as soft as a dove.
It's the warmth of a fire,
the jewel in a crown.
It's the strong hand
that lifts me up when I'm down.

It's Your love,

It's Your love.

~ Jack Zavada,, 2023 ~

Does God owe you a spouse?

It's easy to view Christianity as a transactional relationship. That is, I behave in a certain way then God is obligated to give me what I want.

But there's a problem with that idea. It's a version of the Prosperity Gospel, which treats God like a genie or ATM. He's not. Everything we receive from God, from our salvation to our health, is a g'ift and cannot be earned.

Hope for Hurting Singles addresses this frustrating question and the other problems that keep you up at night. You'll get real insight on loneliness, rejection, depression, fear, and low self-esteem.

Author Jack Zavada believes singles' hardest challenges are not dating issues but the emotional storms that disrupt our minds. Learn the proven solutions he discovered in over 40 years of studying these troubles.

Hope for Hurting Singles is a positive, encouraging book. You'll come away with a renewed sense of energy knowing God is on your side.

This is the boost you're looking for. Hope for Hurting Singles for $10.99 in paperback or $3.99 for the Kindle version.

QOTM: Three words of wisdom

June's Quote of the Month comes from Thomas a' Kempis, a German-Dutch priest famous for his book The Imitation of Christ:

God alone satisfies.

~ Thomas a' Kempis (1380 - 1471) ~

We singles think life will be heavenly if only we can find the right mate. Or we pursue a career and success as if they can fill the hole in our soul. Sadly, whatever we count on here leaves us disillusioned.

That's when we're ready for Thomas' truth. It was God all along, it will always be God, it can only be God. God alone has the capacity to completely satisfy the human heart because he made us for himself.

The sooner we learn this truth, the sooner we stop chasing shadows and go after the One who has been seeking us from our first breath. It's God, the Meaning and the Love of our life.

Nobody understands like Jesus

If there's anybody who knows about pain, it's Jesus Christ. His was a life of rejection. He knew loneliness firsthand and was misunderstood, even by his apostles. His torture at a Roman whipping post and his death on the cross still stand out 2,000 years later as one of the most agonizing deaths in human history.

Jesus understands what you're going through, single friend. He knows your most secret thoughts. He gets your fears and heartbreak.

What's more, he can do something about it. His Holy Spirit within you can heal in a way no one else can. He did it for me, and he'll do it for you too.

Cast your cares on him today. Here's how, in nobody understands like Jesus.

Even more quotes, just for fun

Quotations are pretty popular on Here are a bunch to brighten your day:

Encouraging Quotes;

Attitude Quotes;

Quotes for Singles;

Strength Quotes;

Funny Quotes.

Huh-uh; no artificial intelligence here

The company that hosts my web site, SBI, is all fired up about artificial intelligence (AI) and how site owners can use it to create content.

Let me promise you, fellow singleton, you will never find it on or in Inspire-O-Gram.

Every month, before I start this newsletter, I try to visualize all of you and what you need, then I say a prayer, asking God to help me give you something useful. I take this work seriously. Despite its amazing capabilities, AI will never be able to replace me at the keyboard.

That's because you can't program in genuine love.

Like your mother's homemade cookies, this newsletter includes a generous dose of love. Yes, I know entertainers say it all the time: "I love you folks. I really love you." But they're not trying to change your life by telling you about Jesus Christ and what He can do for you.

I have the greatest job on Earth because I get to point you toward our Savior. Sure, Inspire-O-Gram and the web site have a lot about my mistakes and lessons, but the real star is Jesus. He's the one who can bring you through any trouble. He's the one who has unconditional love for you.

These newsletters are a work of love, and yet they're nothing compared to the love Jesus proved for you on Calvary. And no AI will ever be able to express that.

Don't miss God's summer treats

My dog Neville is gaga over treats. He loves the dog goodies that send his tail wagging like an airplane propeller. This time of year, God slips in plenty of treats for you and me too.

I have a hummingbird feeder outside my kitchen window and enjoy seeing those busy little creatures buzzing around it. Summer flowers are an explosion of pure joy. Even insects, like butterflies and grasshoppers, are tiny g'ifts of beauty.

A friend's laugh, a breezy day, a profound sermon at church are all things to be thankful for. Train yourself to appreciate these treats. God is speaking to you through them.

And speaking of speaking, so to speak, you can speak to me through our hack-proof contact form. Your message will wind its way through a mysterious digital maze until it ends up in my personal inbox! Then I'll read it and write you a personal reply. No AI, I promise!

So there's your June newsletter, single pal. Thanks for reading, and if the spirit moves you, please forward it on to one of your single friends.

I'll leave you with the words of blogger Alicia Bruxvoort: "The shape of true love isn't a diamond. It's a cross."

Until July,

Jack Zavada
PS: Not a Christian? Find out how to become one!

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