About us...

www.inspiration-for-singles.com is the creation of Jack Zavada.


Let's get right to the point:

You're wise to check me out before you believe anything I tell you on this site.

I'm not a psychologist, minister, or licensed therapist. Use your common sense with what you learn here.

Inspiration-for-singles is not a dating site. Instead, it's about singles' everyday problems. I share time-proven principles I've learned as a single adult.

You'll find two things here:

1) How to avoid the common mistakes that cause single people pain;

2) How to make wise decisions that lead to spiritual maturity and contentment.

We all share the same problems

This site has been around for 19 years--a long time in the Internet world. Every month it gets visitors from more than 120 countries.

Nothing like this existed when I was trying to make my way. All the books about singleness were written by married psychologists and pastors--hardly experts on the single life.

We're all looking for someone who will listen to us, understand us, and love us, but in the meantime, we need to cope with whatever life throws at us each day.

The most popular pages here continue to be about loneliness, disappointment, rejection, and frustration.

My promise is to always tell you the truth, even when that truth may be hard to take. I will not lie to you for any reason.

If you read anything on this site that strikes you as untrue, please use the Contact Form below to point it out to me.

My motive for Inspiration-for-singles is not to make a lot of money; most years it doesn't break even. Instead, I simply want to make life easier and happier for you.

Here's my personal info...

I'm 73 years old and have never married. If you think that makes me a loser, please read this.

I earned bachelor's and master's degrees in English from Illinois State University and have worked as a newspaper reporter, technical editor for the U.S. Department of Defense, publications editor for a utility company, and communications director for a national nonprofit organization. I am a two-time cancer survivor.

Among my interests are photography, landscape painting, reading, the Old West, and the music of James Taylor, AJ Lee and Blue Summit, Sierra Hull, and Alison Krauss.

I make my home in Streator, Illinois, USA, a small town of about 15,000 people located on the Vermilion River, 90 miles southwest of Chicago.

I serve as an elder and president of the church council at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

I am the author of four published western novels: Rebel Town, The Wolfer, Penwhistle's Prize, and West of the Pecos. In my career as a writer, I have had more than 3 million words in print.

You'll see ads on the site for Hope for Hurting Singles, my owner's manual for a happier life as an unmarried person. You can get more information on it here.

Unless otherwise attributed, all articles and poems on www.inspiration-for-singles.com were written by me, Jack Zavada.

Please explore using our Site Map, a list of every article arranged by subject. I hope you find the site helpful and will bookmark it for the future.

Thank you for visiting!

Why we have to use a contact form

Do you hate spam? Phew! It stinks!

Unfortunately, if we listed our email address on the site, we'd be so buried under spam that we'd waste all our time deleting it and wouldn't have time to reply to legitimate emails from you.

See, spammers have little program bots that prowl the 'Net, harvesting email addresses listed on web sites. Then these cyber-skunks stink up honest folks' inboxes with their creepy ads. Hand me that bar of soap!

The only way to avoid it is to use a Contact Form instead. Your email through this form will get to me just the same, but the spam won't. So that's why we have to use the form.

So we'd appreciate hearing what you like--or don't like--about what you've read here. Tell us if a specific page was worthwhile for you or what other topics we should cover.

We're always changing and adding to the site, so let us know what's most relevant to your life as a single person.

Anonymous or Get a Reply: It's Your Choice!

If you'd rather make an anonymous comment, you are not required to fill in your name or email address.

However, if you want a reply, please fill in your name and email address, along with your comment or question. We'll get back to you in 1-3 days.

Please use the form below to email Jack.

Thanks for stopping by!

Contact us!

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Jack's Kindle ebooks:

Outsmarting Loneliness

Christmas Romance 3-Pack

Mr. Lincoln for the Defense

Killers on my Trail

Site Legal Disclaimer:

Material on inspiration-for-singles.com (IFS) is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. Persons who need medical, emotional, psychological, or financial advice or services should seek out a licensed professional. The author and publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever regarding use of information on this site and disclaim any warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied. Visitors to this site are solely responsible for how they interpret or use these materials. IFS is a Christian-themed web site. Every attempt has been made to present material which is inoffensive to specific people and institutions, and any perceived offense is purely unintentional. This web site is not responsible for the content or business practices of any sites linked to. The Internet can serve as a source for general information but is no substitute for a competent, certified professional person. Visitors to this site are solely responsible for their own health, well-being, and finances and should obtain the services of a medical doctor, therapist, psychologist, attorney, or financial counselor when needed.

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