Inspiration to help you thrive in the single life!

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Issue #019, October 16, 2007

Greetings, fellow singletons, and also to you married folks who enjoy!

I'd like to start this issue with a shameless plug for my new ebook, Single & Sure.

If you take the time to read Inspire-O-Gram every month, and have signed up for our RSS feed, you'll also like Single & Sure.

It took me years to figure out what works and what doesn't work in the single life, but you don't need to waste all that time. You can cut right to the chase by reading Single & Sure.

Alrighty, then! October's issue of Inspire-O-Gram focuses on what really matters in life. Unfortunately, we can waste a lot of time and energy on things that don't matter much, while neglecting those things that do.

How do we tell the difference? Our lead article gives some pointers on what really matters...

Since we're on the subject of priorities, we'll always be sure of where we're going when we put first things first...

Our third article argues for breaking free of mediocrity. You can do that by choosing the right reason for living...

Poems remain one of the most popular pages on, so here's a new one I wrote last night:

The Museum of You-Gotta-Buy

I took a field trip yesterday
to a truly amazing site.
It's called the Museum of You-Gotta-Buy
and it's open all day and all night.

I started the tour at a gigantic room
so full that I couldn't squeeze in.
It was packed with products
all guaranteed
to make me attractive and thin.

From there I trekked to a ten-story chamber
stuffed with merchandise that was so good
that if I owned even one of those items
I'd be the envy of my neighborhood.

I walked past the Palace of Designer Labels,
although the place caused me to drool,
for the deepest desire in my stinky little life
is to show everyone I'm so cool.

Next came the showroom of sexiest cars,
that give a guy greater appeal.
But the price tag's so high
that two bags of Fritos
would seem an extravagant meal.

So I left the Museum of You-Gotta-Buy
the same sorry schlepp who went in.
But I'm sure the next time
that I'm feeling low,
I'll make a pilgrimage back there again.

Quote time...

This month's quotation comes from the creator of positive thinking, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale:

Enthusiasm releases the drive to carry you over obstacles
and adds significance to all you do.
Norman Vincent Peale

I would add that we're enthusiastic about things that really matter. It's possible to be enthusiastic about things that don't really matter, but it's an enthusiasm that's short-winded. It doesn't have enough staying power to finish the race. Once we find out what matters, we won't have to struggle to generate enthusiasm about it. The enthusiasm will come on its own.

Rut Disruptor

As always, our Rut Disruptor question for the month gives you something to think about, a way to bring all these thoughts home in your own life:

If I align my priorities with God's priorities for my life,
what exciting things could happen?

If you're a Christian, you already know that "It's not about me." We receive God's power when we do God's will. It's a simple truth but it can take a lifetime to learn. The sooner you line your life up with God, the sooner incredible things will start happening!

Want to comment?

That's October's Inspire-O-Gram. I hope you found something that will make a difference in your life.

If you've purchased Single & Sure, you can submit a short review of the book for use on the web site, or any other comments by using this handy-dandy contact form.

A big ol' sackful of thanks for reading! Until the November issue, remember that in life, U-turns are allowed!

Jack Zavada
401 Indiana Ave
Streator, IL 61364 USA